E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Wiki

Icon triangulargate

This PSI power can kill anything except a Deus Ex Master in one hit, this includes boss-creatures such as Commander Rimanah and vehicles such as the Interceptor. It will consume about 50% of your health when cast as well as energy. It has a very nasty habit of inflicting the fatal wound Commotion (happens occasionally), this can be avoided by having Gen4 BioRegeneration researched.

How to unlock it[]

At the end of Chapter 11, when you confront your mentor, you can choose to side with him and assault the temple, which will bring you to cc_ancient to find Akmal. After that mission you will return to HQ to kill the commander, where your mentor will attack you after you speak to him. After you kill him, you will gain this PSI power and his Scrab will have a message explaining his last moments.
